Biosecurity measures are implemented to protect the health and wellbeing of the birds and animals we raise and nurture. Biosecurity minimises and reduces the occurrence of any outside disease, condition or foodborne pathogen entering the facilities. It is our responsibility to protect the lives and health of our animals through strict biosecurity protocols and quarantine times, before visitors and staff can visit our sites.
At McLean Farms, biosecurity is a matter of utmost importance. We prioritise the establishment of a substantial buffer zone around our hens and diligently manage and minimise disease risks. Each visitor to McLean Farms is subjected to a comprehensive set of biosecurity protocols, ensuring adherence to the highest standards before being granted access to our facility. Moreover, we consistently monitor global best practices in biosecurity.
Recognised for our pioneering efforts in biosecurity, all personnel who interact with the hens are required to shower in and shower out at every one of our facilities, prior to any contact with our birds. To ensure our strict adherence to our biosecurity protocols, all personnel are required to change into company provided clothing upon entry following the shower in process. All tools and machinery entering all sites follows a strict sanitisation process prior to site entry.
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